Choosing and using research methods
Our fourth research principle is to be methodical, but not rigid. At dxw, we don’t have a fixed set of approved research methods. But when we plan our research, we do need to choose appropriate methods for the context and apply them well.
We prefer tried and trusted methods that can provide strong evidence and reliable answers to our questions, for the least time, effort and cost.
And we make sure to use these methods in ways that are inclusive and accessible, and safe for our participants and ourselves.
We also consider a team’s level of experience with user research. So we may prefer simpler methods like interviews and usability testing that the team can easily understand and get involved in.
This guide lists our favourite books, articles and videos on the different research methods we use. In future we aim to add links to any tools and templates we have created, along with good examples from previous projects.
Human centred research and design #
At dxw, we follow human centred design practices to start with people and their needs.
Recommended guidance #
- User research in the GOV.UK Service Manual
- The Scottish Approach to Service Design by the Scottish Government
- A Guide to Using User Experience Research Methods by NN/g
- Just Enough Research by Erika Hall
- User Research by Stephanie Marsh
- The Moderator’s Survival Guide by Donna Tedesco and Fiona Tranquada
- The Field Guide to Human-Centred Design by IDEO
- Universal Methods of Design by Martin and Hanington
- Convivial Toolbox by Sanders and Stappers
Interviews #
Interviews are a flexible way to learn more about different types of users, including their circumstances, previous experiences, motivations and needs from services.
We choose interviews when:
- our research is broad and we don’t yet know which topics will be most relevant or which questions will be most useful
- the subject is complicated, will require some explanation and participants are likely to give you long and detailed answers
- we want the chance to ask follow up questions to fully explore and better understand what participants tell us
We sometimes combine interviews with usability testing, by talking to participants to understand previous experiences and current use, before asking them to try out a prototype or service.
Recommended guidance #
- Using in-depth interviews in the GOV.UK Service Manual
- Interviewing Users by Steve Portigal
- Interviewing for Research by Andrew Travers
- Seventeen types of interviewing questions by Steve Portigal
Contextual research and observation #
Contextual research means visiting people in their everyday environment (like their home, work or school) to observe how they do an activity.
Watching someone complete a task in familiar surroundings with their own equipment (and usual distractions) can help us better understand how they use an existing service, what does and doesn’t work well for them, and what they might need from a future service.
We choose contextual research and observation when:
- we want to see how people do things in a real-life context using their own data, documents and devices
- we want the chance to ask questions about the barriers or problems people experience, and the different ways they try to overcome them
Recommended guidance #
- Contextual research and observation in the GOV.UK Service Manual
- Field Studies by NN/g
- Contextual Design by Holzblatt and Beyer
- The Field Study Handbook by Jan Chipchase
- Userpalooza by Nick Bowmast
Experience and journey mapping #
Experience and journey maps provide a visual representation of what users do, think and feel over time.
There is no precise distinction between the two kinds of maps. But experience maps most often cover a person’s entire experience of a whole life event, and may include their interactions with a number of services. While journey maps tend to cover their path through a particular service.
We choose experience mapping when we want to:
- create a visual representation of all the things people go through and their experience of those activities
- focus on a person’s entire experience rather than their interaction with one service
We choose journey mapping when we want to:
- create a time ordered visual representation of the larger stages and individual steps people go through when interacting with a service
- show the different people who do, or are involved in, each step, often with swimlanes
- visually associate other aspects of a service (like data and systems) to the stages and steps
Recommended guidance #
- Researching user experiences in the GOV.UK Service Manual
- Creating an experience map in the GOV.UK Service Manual
- Guide to Experience Mapping by Adaptive Path
- UX Mapping Methods Compared: A Cheat Sheet by NN/g
- Mapping Experiences by Jim Kalbach
Profiles, archetypes and personas #
Profiles and personas are ways to describe what we’ve learned about the different groups of people who might use, operate or be affected by a service. These groups can be people who play a particular role in a service, or who share some defining circumstances that mean they have similar needs.
There is no precise distinction between the two types of descriptions. But a profile (sometimes also called an archetype) most often focuses on the common aspects of the group. While a persona uses a fictional, yet realistic, character and associated narrative to represent the group.
Either way, profiles and personas should focus on peoples’ roles and motivations, actions and interactions, circumstances and capabilities, experiences and needs.
When creating personas we do not give them names, photos, ages or other demographic details that can create unintended bias in readers.
We choose profiles when:
- we want to describe groups of people who play different roles within a service (such as patients, carers, doctors and pharmacists, in a service about prescriptions)
We choose profiles or personas when:
- we want to describe different groups of people whose circumstances strongly influence their interactions and needs from a service (such as single people, couples and families, in a service about housing)
We choose personas when:
- representing a group with a realistic character will present what we’ve learned about that group in a more engaging way
Recommended guidance #
- The Persona Lifecycle by John Pruitt and Tamara Adlin
- Practical Empathy by Indi Young
- Describing personas by Indi Young
- Mindsets article series at Designit
Workshops and group activities #
Interactive workshops with small groups can be an effective method for user research.
They can help us learn more about the things that actual or likely users do, how they do them, how they think and make decisions, and how they feel about their experiences.
We choose workshops when we want to:
- see how different people, such as colleagues in different roles, or parents and children, work together to make a decision or to get something done
- get a more detailed understanding of people who’ve had a similar experience
We also do workshops with stakeholders, teams and subject matter experts, as a good first step to get an overview of a new area and build trust in preparation for more detailed research.
When researching very sensitive subjects, we understand that some participants may want more privacy and confidentiality than a group workshop can provide.
We also bear in mind that we don’t get twice as many findings by inviting twice as many people to a session. If there’s nothing to gain from having several participants together, we run individual research sessions using methods such as interviews, contextual observation or experience mapping.
Recommended guidance #
- Researching in small group workshops in the GOV.UK Service Manual
- Liberating Structures
- Gamestorming
- Seeds for Change
Surveys #
With surveys we ask a defined group of people a set of questions, and analyse their answers to produce findings.
We choose surveys when we need quantitative data (numbers), know what questions we want to ask, and know who we want to ask.
If we’re not sure about any of those things - maybe we don’t yet know which questions are important, or who it’s important to ask - then we start with other methods like interviews. And consider doing a survey later, when things are clearer.
Recommended guidance #
- Surveys that Work by Caroline Jarrett
- Types of sampling for Market Research by Survey Monkey
- Question and questionnaire design by Krosnick and Presser
Concept testing #
In concept testing we walk participants through representations of our design ideas, like sketches or diagrams, to see how well our designs might meet their needs.
Through concept testing we can learn more about:
- how people understand the design ideas
- how people might expect to use them
- how well the designs might achieve the intended outcome
- potential improvements to our designs
We choose concept testing when we want to evaluate our designs, but do not yet have a properly interactive prototype or working service that people can try out for real. Concept testing is particularly useful when you want to quickly explore several alternative design ideas.
We can run concept testing with individual participants, or with small groups, when conversations between participants can bring out additional points.
We often combine concept testing with initial interviews to understand more about a participant’s circumstances, experiences and needs. And follow up with workshop activities to iterate the concepts.
Recommended guidance #
- The Value Of Concept Testing As Part Of Product Design by Victor Yocco
- Concept validation: The perfect UX Research midway method by Gabriella Lanning
- How to Conduct a Cognitive Walkthrough Workshop by NN/g
Content research #
In content research we are focussed on how people find, understand, interact with and act on different kinds of content about and within services.
We choose card sorting to explore the associations people have between different words and concepts, and how people see things fitting into groups or categories.
We choose tree testing to test how participants might navigate a proposed information architecture.
We choose highlighter and similar tests to see how well participants understand and can act on content, like guidance, letters or notifications.
Recommended guidance #
- Card sorting by Donna Spencer
- Card Sorting by NN/g
Card sorting on
- Tree Testing: Fast, Iterative Evaluation of Menu Labels and Categories by NN/g
Tree Testing 101 by Optimal Workshop
- What does this mean? Tips for testing your words by John Waterworth
- Three effective methods for content tests by dScout
- How to Test Content with Users by NN/g
Usability testing #
Usability testing is where we ask participants to try to complete specific tasks using our service.
Usability testing can be moderated or unmoderated.
In moderated usability testing, we are present during the session, either in person or online. We describe the tasks we want participants to try. And will usually ask them to ‘think aloud’ as they move through the service to help us understand what they are doing, thinking and feeling.
In unmoderated usability testing, we provide participants with the tasks we want them to try, and access to the service we want to test. And participants complete the tasks on their own. We may record the unmoderated tests and ask participants to think aloud for the recording, or capture only web page analytics and the data entered.
We choose usability testing when we have an existing service, a working prototype, or a newly built service, and want to know how well it works for likely users.
Recommended guidance #
- Using moderated usability testing in the GOV.UK Service Manual
- Rocket Surgery Made Easy by Steve Krug
- Qualitative Usability Testing: Study Guide by NN/g
- Handbook of Usability Testing by Jeffrey Rubin and Dana Chisnell
- How to do inclusive usability testing by Vayia Malamidou of AbilityNet
- Unmoderated testing for the UK’s new register of regulated professions by John Waterworth
Last updated: 18 March 2024 (history)