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Redundancy procedure

We are committed to avoiding redundancies where possible and aim to create stability for employees by keeping our sales pipeline healthy and planning our growth carefully.

Prior to, and throughout any redundancy process, we will always look for ways to minimise or avoid compulsory redundancies. This could include (but isn’t limited to):

Any measures we take must not adversely affect the business or our ability to meet clients’ needs.

This section of the Playbook sets out what we will do if we need to make compulsory redundancies. The procedure does not form part of any contract of employment or other contract to provide services, and we may amend it at any time. 

We will follow a fair and open process consistent with ACAS best practice. You can read more about your rights during redundancy on the ACAS website.

Who does this procedure apply to? #

This procedure applies to employees only. It does not apply to agency workers, consultants, self-employed contractors, volunteers, or interns.

Pregnant employees and new parents are legally protected from redundancy in some circumstances

Who is responsible for this procedure? #

The Directors have overall responsibility for the effective operation of this procedure, including deciding any course of action that involves redundancies. They will often need to work in collaboration with Heads of and the People team to help them make informed decisions.

Making compulsory redundancies #

When we decide to make redundancies, we will advise all affected employees and enter into consultation individually and, where appropriate, also with employee representatives. 

Selection process #

Depending on the circumstances, we may use a selection process which we will share, explain, and consult on with those affected or, where appropriate, with employee representatives. 

This will involve grouping staff in similar roles or with similar skills together in “selection pools’’ and using selection criteria to select those employees who will potentially be made redundant. 

The selection criteria used should be objective, measurable, and fair based on the roles and skills required to meet our existing and anticipated business needs. The criteria used must avoid any unfair discrimination.

Individual consultation meetings #

During individual consultation meetings you may be accompanied by a work colleague or a Trade Union representative. Being accompanied should not delay the consultation process. Every effort should be made to attend a consultation meeting on the date(s) provided. Where there is an unreasonable delay due to the availability of companions, we may need consultation meetings to take place without a colleague or Trade Union representative present.

Confirmation of selection for redundancy #

When a redundancy is confirmed, the employee will be given notice of the termination of their employment in accordance with their contract and written confirmation of the payments they will receive. 

Appeal #

Affected staff members have the right to appeal against the decision to make their role redundant. The appeal should be made in writing, clearly outlining the grounds for appeal within 7 calendar days of receiving the decision letter. Appeals should be addressed to the Head of People or another appropriate senior leader in their absence, which the outcome letter will confirm.

Suitable alternative employment #

We will continue to look for alternative employment within the business for redundant employees until their termination date. The way in which redundant employees will be invited to apply and be selected for vacancies will be organised depending on the circumstances at the time. Alternative employment may be offered subject to a trial period.

Time off and additional support #

Employees who have been informed that they are at risk of redundancy will continue in their role as usual throughout the consultation process, unless agreed otherwise. 

After the consultation process, employees that have been given notice of dismissal because of redundancy may take reasonable paid time off to find other work. This could include registering with a recruitment agency or attending interviews. Arrangements should be made directly with their line manager, in advance.

The People team can also help with updating CVs or preparing for interviews.

Redundancy pay  #

As well as being paid for your notice period, and any unused holiday pay as appropriate, dxw will pay statutory redundancy pay to eligible employees.

The amount of statutory redundancy pay is based on your age and length of service. Statutory redundancy pay is not subject to tax.  Notice pay and holiday pay will be subject to tax and national insurance deductions. You can find a Statutory Redundancy Pay Calculator on GOV.UK.

Communication with staff  #

We understand that redundancies are a stressful and uncertain time for all staff, especially those who are directly affected. We will always aim to get the balance right of sharing as much as we can, while protecting the privacy of those who are involved in a consultation process. How we communicate, and when, may vary slightly depending on the specific circumstances and taking into account the preferences of the affected staff.

Staff involved in supporting the redundancy process will be provided with guidance by the People team.  

Changes to this page must be approved by a Director.

Last updated: 19 September 2024 (history)